Interview with Bill Meheula discussing ceded lands – 18 Apr. 2009

April 20, 2009 by admin 

Another gorgeous Saturday morning and we were thinking of you driving the kids around, going shopping, making breakfast, or heading off to work to all the great music. Our very special guest was Bill Meheula, the attorney who represented the original 4 plaintiffs who sued to stop the State from selling ceded lands on Maui 15 years ago. That is the original case behind the recent U.S. Supreme court ruling that sent the issue of cede land sales back to the Hawai’i courts. Bill is now proposing a dismissal without prejudice in the case that would swing into effect in tandem with legislative action requiring two thirds approval of both houses before a sale of ceded lands could occur. He says the Lingle adminstration has agreed to the settlement, though the legislative end of it still an open question. Bill closed by explaining the relationships between this case and the Akaka bill, disclosing that he supports the billthough he knows Vickie and Kahoonei do not. Everyone’s welcome at this table!

‘olelo no’eau: Our ‘olelo no’eau was “Hihia ka ‘opae ma ka’umi ‘umi” meaning, shrimp is entangled by the feelers, or caught in an affair that you can’t get out of. So beware!

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